What are the Two Most Significant Crimes the Canadian Government is Guilty of Against the First Nations People?
neglect is defined in the dictionary as fail to care for properly. the government committed the crime of neglect when they willingly chose not to help the sick children in residential schools. In this I will be talking about the P.H. Bryce report and how the government neglected to acknowledge any of it.
The P.H. Bryce report was a study that doctor Peter Henderson Bryce did about the health of the children in the residential schools, what he found was shocking. Dr. Peter Bryce was the chief medical officer for the department of Indian affairs, he worked with the children in residential schools. Bryce went to the schools and found that many of the students in the schools were not there. He found out that moat of the missing children had died from tuberculosis. He went to other schools and found that the same thing was happening. According to https://canadianhistory.ca/index.php/natives/timeline/1900s/1907-the-bryce-report-on-health-conditions-in-residential-schools 24 percent of students died from tuberculosis. he started to look deeper into the issue and tried to tell his superiors about the problem but they refused to do anything about it. Bryce continued to convince other people including the Canadian government to help the children in the schools receive medical attention. the government ended up firing him from his job. Bryce still persevered and eventually published his report in a news paper as shown in figure 2. when the government found out that his report was published they tried to cover it up and say that Bryce had mental issues and that none of what he published was true. the report received a lot of attention from the public partly because of the terrifying stories and because it gave an opportunity for critics of residential schools something else to use against them.
this evidence prove that the government willingly chose to inadequately care for the children in residential schools. this evidence shows that 24 percent of children living in residential schools died of tuberculosis and the government chose to not help them.
The Canadian government is guilty of neglect because they chose to not help the dying children in residential schools.