What are the Two Most Significant Crimes the Canadian Government is Guilty of Against the First Nations People?
the Canadian government did a good job at making amends with the aboriginal people for residential schools because they did many things to reconcile with the people. the government started truth and reconciliation commissions which helped inform all Canadians about what happened in residential schools, people that were affected by residential schools could tell their story about what happened without judgment or criticism. recently the prime minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau apologized for what happened in the schools on behalf of the Canadian government. former prime minister Steven Harper also apologized in 2008 for what the Canadian government did to first nations people. i believe that the government has done a good job at healing the wounds of the past because they have done multiple things to make amends with the first nations people.
a current issue facing Canadian indigenous people is missing and murdered aboriginal women. CBC News has studied the cases 34 missing indigenous women that the police say were not due to foul play. each of the 34 women's families believe that murder may be involved. the Canadian government has done a pretty poor job in finding the missing women and resolving the murders. the government has started funding violence and abuse prevention programs, but it is an extremely slow process. different organizations within Canada are trying to help the first nations women such as amnesty international and Legal Strategy Coalition on Violence against Indigenous Women (LSC) both have tried to spread the word about the topic and have had some success. amnesty international has helped with peaceful protesting along with other things to help the movement