What are the Two Most Significant Crimes the Canadian Government is Guilty of Against the First Nations People?
What is Genocide?
In residential schools aboriginal children learned to speak and write in English, learned about Christianity and were forced to say prayers every night as shown in figure 1. In figure 1 it shows children of bishop Hordon Indian residential school praying in their beds while a worker watches them and makes sure that they all do it. int these schools students received a basic education like how we would today, but they were not allowed to speak their native language or practice any of their cultural traditions.these schools were an act of genocide because the government intended them to be a place where first nations children could be stripped of their cultural identity and, they were a place where this happened. in these schools there were many students attending at one building which helped with the spread of illness such as tuberculosis and other diseases in the schools. According to CBC News between the late 1870s and late 1990s around 3,000 students died in these schools because of tuberculosis the Spanish flu and malnutrition. there is a video on the CBC News website that explains this in detail: if you click on figure 1 it will take you to the website. The Canadian government committed genocide when they denied to help the children suffering of fatal diseases which lead to the death of around 3,000 first nations children.
figure 1
Genocide is described in the dictionary as the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of e particular ethnic group or nation. the Canadian government committed this crime when they opened up residential schools. Residential were on of the many ways the Canadian government tried to assimilate the indigenous people of Canada. Not only were children dying in these schools but, they were also just an all around horrific place to be in.
This evidence proves that it is one of the most significant crimes because it involved the death of thousands of innocent first nations children but the government chose to let these children die.
In conclusion i strongly believe that the government of Canada committed the crime of genocide when they opened up residential schools because they had the mind set of they are just aboriginal children its better if they die and because the government actually let the children die.